Friday, September 27, 2019

TWAS and Home Reading coming home!

Please enjoy reading and sharing your child's TWAS entry in their journal.
As printers were all down today at school their checklists did not get printed to be included in their messages. 

Here they are if you want to print them off and glue them in yourselves. 
This might be an interesting conversation to have with your child.

TWAS check in – SEPTEMBER 26, 2019  Grade 1
Copied date accurately

Copied sentence starter accurately

Added own words by sounding out

Included a picture about writing

 TWAS check in – SEPTEMBER 26, 2019  Grade  2
Copied date accurately – included day of the week

Used 3 - 4 sentences (minimum)

Added descriptive words or new vocabulary

Included a picture about writing showing details

Used capitals and end punctuation consistently

Image result for child reading with parent cartoon
Home Reading bags went home today.... and again, the introductory letter that is usually included was not able to be printed.  Here is a copy of the information the letter contained - I will send home a paper copy on Monday.  (We only sent home one book for each student as a beginning piece, but next week they will bring two each each night. )

Dear Families,                                        

Today we are sending home your child’s first home reading books for homework. It is important that your child reads for a minimum of 10-15 minutes each night. Please ensure you are reading with your child every night – practicing reading aloud to an adult ensures students are improving their fluency and reading words correctly each time.

Two books will be sent home each day and should be returned the next day so your child can exchange them for new books. New books will only be sent home when the previous days books are returned. If you would like to keep one of the books for 2 days that’s ok; however, varying the books a child reads help increase their word knowledge and deepens their understanding of the books they read. If you choose to keep the books at home to practice, please ensure the Communication Folder is returned every day.

Your child will begin to gain confidence as a reader and develop reading fluency by reading a variety of different types of books.
Always be sure to ask your child questions about the book before, during, and after reading to better judge if they understand what they are reading.

As we are just beginning our Guided Reading program in the classroom, we are still adjusting reading levels. If you strongly feel a book is too easy or too difficult, please write a little note and send it to school. Remember, a reading level includes being able to fluently read the words on the page and demonstrate your understanding of the text by confidently responding to a variety of questions about the story.

Have fun reading together!

Yours in Learning,

 Ms. Betty

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