Friday, February 28, 2020

February Writing Goals

Today you will see the TWAS (This Week At School) journals coming home again!
We have be working on refining our writing skills through personal writing goals.
Students should know which one of these they have been working on.  

Please sign and comment over the weekend.

Grade 1 Writing Expectations
January-March 2020

4 ☆☆☆☆
3 ☆☆☆
2 ☆☆
Uses many details
Uses more details
Uses a few details

Uses very little detail
Uses capitals at the beginning of sentences and for names
Uses capitals and periods correctly most of the time

Uses capitals and periods correctly some of the time
Backwards and uppercase letters in words
Uses periods at the end of all sentences and tries to use other punctuation

Uses periods at the end of all sentences
Uses periods most of the time
No periods
Spells word wall words correctly and uses personal dictionary

Spells word wall words correctly most of the time
Spells word wall words correctly some of the time
Uses 1-2 word wall words correctly
Starts sentences in a wide variety of ways

Starts most sentences in different ways
Starts sentences with some different words
Starts sentences with the same word
Writes 6 or more sentences

Writes 4-5 sentences
Writes 3-4 sentences
Writes 1-2 sentences with support
Always uses finger spaces correctly and spaces writing correctly
Always uses finger spaces correctly
Uses finger spaces most of the time
Does not use finger spaces

Grade 2 Writing Checklist
January-March 2020

4 ☆☆☆☆
3 ☆☆☆
2 ☆☆
Always uses  capital letters correctly including for proper nouns
Uses capitals at the beginning of sentences
Uses capitals at the beginning of sentences most of the time
Uses capitals some of the time
Uses different types of punctuation correctly
. ! , ? :
Tries to use exclamation marks, commas, and question marks
. ! , ?

Tries to use exclamation marks and question marks
. ! ?
Uses periods correctly
Lots of different sentence beginnings

Starts most sentences with different words
Starts some sentences in different ways
Begins all sentences the same way
Has a descriptive title that grabs the attention
Has a descriptive title
Has a simple title
No title
Spells all words correctly, uses personal dictionary
Spells all word wall words correctly
Spells most word wall words correctly
Spells some word wall words correctly
Uses glue words and different verbs
Uses glue words
Simple sentences
Uses patterned sentences
6 or more sentences
5 sentences
3-4 sentences
1-2 sentences
Makes sense, is interesting, and uses descriptive words
Makes sense. Uses some descriptive words
Makes sense
Does not make sense

Here are the current expectations for Grade 1 & 2.
We will review them on Monday.
Have a great weekend!
Ms. Betty