Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Google Journal and IRIS passwords

Thanks to those students who have been able to access the digital journal.  Your entries put a smile on my face and were a welcome break to my day!  :)

You should have received an email with the following information:

GOOGLE JOURNALS – Spring Break Writing

Over the Spring Break, students should be writing and reading daily and I thought that if they wanted to create a digital journal this would be a good time!  I’ve create a google doc for each student with this in mind.

I have one too!

You can upload pictures of student writing/events or students can also use speak to text to add to their document. 

**If you do decide to use this digital journal, please keep in mind that other students and families from our classroom CAN view the contents.  Your child’s file is not a private one. ** 

(In order to have a private file I would have to change their student login password and I did not want to add to the confusion!)

Just like we trust students in the classroom to respect each other’s belongings and not write in each other’s notebooks, students need to be considerate of other students’ google documents and only alter their own. With this in mind, I’m asking that adults work with their child so that we can ensure that everyone’s Google Journal is only altered by the author.
(I have not included the login information here (on the blog) - please email me if you need it.)

IRIS passwords

It has become apparent that the CBE will be moving forward with various on-line resources that require all students to be able to access D2L and Google docs.  Therefore, each student has been assigned a new password that is compatible with the Google platform (it needs to be at least 8 characters long).

On Friday, you will each be receiving an email that contains a brief summary of your student's achievements (in lieu of interviews) as well as a list of their passwords.  The NEW CBE password for your child's IRIS account (and school computer login) will be listed there, along with RAZ Kids login information in case you needed it.

I have just assigned and tested passwords and they are working.
If your child knows their current password (or you were able to find their card from their cubby), then all you need to do is add a capital to the word and 12345 after it as their new password.  The Student ID number remains the same.  I tried to keep it as simple as possible.

Please don't worry about any of this... let me know if you can't get on IRIS and are worried.  
I'm communicating this in case you were trying and wondering why you could not get on.

Kind regards,  Ms. Betty Image result for cartoon giraffe

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